The above image is a vispo response to the text. Then, below, first, a Finnish translation. Then, an English translation.
Kuolin eilen
syntyäkseni tänään:
....................sitoakseni banjoni kielet täysikuun säteillä,
nämä tunnit
kuin hitaasti joutuva savu
.........................kytevä tuuli, taivaan alla vain hänen nimensä
kirjain kirjaimelta katoava.
Kuolin eilen,
mutta luuni eivät tahtoneet luovuttaa, eivät silmäni luopua
eivät sormeni soittamasta:
............synnyin, kuutamon alle, kasteen pakopaikkaan
hengittääkseni kukat, kuullakseni linnut
solmiakseni uudet sanat
puhtaat sävelet.
I died yesterday
so that I could be born today:
………………..to tie the languages of my banjo with the beams of the full moon,
these hours,
like the slowly coming smoke
……………….like the smoldering wind, under the sky his name
disappearing letter by letter.
I died yesterday,
but my bones did not want to give up, neither my eyes,
my fingers from the playing:
……….I was born under the moonlight to the escape point of dew
so that I could breathe the flowers, hear the birds
forge new words
pure tones.
I translated the poem from English to Finnish with a Google translation machine, and after that I picked up some words that made to me an influence. Then I wrote the new version of the poem in Finnish, and put it again into the translation machine. And after that I made a translation.
This poem is not very similar to original poems, but the most important thought to me was to keep the motion of the poem in my poem and of course words like banjo, moonlight etc. in it. The result is something that original poems really awaked in me, it's somekind of found inside the original poem - a poem in the poem.
This is beautiful. The process is interesting, too.